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Agrimony , Alder , Algerian Cedar , Alpenrose , Alpine Aster , Alpine Forget-me-not , Alpine Ladys-mantle , Alpine Mouse-ear , Alpine Snowbell , Alpine Toadflax , Angelica , Aster , Atlas Cedar , Beaked Hawksbeard , Birds-foot Trefoil , Bistort , Bittersweet , Black Bryony , Black Knapweed , Black Vanilla Orchid , Bloody Cranes-bill , Blue-eyed Grass , Branched Bur-reed , Broad-leaved Helleborine , Bugle , Bulbous Buttercup , Burdock , Burnt Orchid , Burnt Tip Orchid , Butterbur , Cabbage , Canadian Goldenrod , Cedar of Lebanon , Chamois Cress , Cherry Laurel , Chile Pine , Cinquefoil , Common Cats-ear , Common Centaury , Common Cotton-grass , Common Cotton Sedge , Common Cow-wheat , Common Dodder , Common Lime , Common Milkwort , Common Ragwort , Common Rock-rose , Common Scurvy-grass , Common Toadflax , Common Twayblade , Creeping Buttercup , Creeping Thistle , Cypress Spurge , Dark Mullein , Dodder , Dogs Tooth Violet , Dotted Loosestrife , Doves-foot Cranes-bill , Dropwort , Dune Helleborine , Dwarf Birch , Dwarf Cornel , Elder-flowered Orchid , English Iris , English Stonecrop , Eyebright , Fairy Foxglove , False Oxlip , Field Bindweed , Flowering-rush , Flowering Rush , Fringed Pink , Garlic Mustard , Germander Broomrape , Giant Bellflower , Gipsywort , Globeflower , Goat Willow , Goats-beard , Great Mullein , Ground Ivy , Hairy Rock-jasmine , Harebell , Hares-tail Cotton-grass , Hares-tail Cotton Sedge , Heath Dog-violet , Heath Milkwort , Heath Speedwell , Heath Spotted Orchid , Hemlock Water Dropwort , Hepatica , Hoary Ragwort , Honesty , Honeysuckle , Hoop Petticoat Daffodil , Jack-by-the-hedge , Lady Orchid , Ladys-mantle , Large Yellow Restharrow , Leafy Hawkweed , Lebanon Cedar , Lesser Butterfly Orchid , Lesser Periwinkle , Livelong Saxifrage , London Plane , Loosestrife , Lousewort , Marsh Gentian , Marsh Helleborine , Marsh Mallow , Marsh Ragwort , Marsh Woundwort , Meadow Saxifrage , Melancholy Thistle , Monkey Orchid , Monkey-puzzle , Moss Campion , Mossy Saxifrage , Mountain Houseleek , Musk Mallow , Musk Thistle , Nettle-leaved Bellflower , Northern Marsh Orchid , Orange Balsam , Paniculate Saxifrage , Pirri-pirri Bur , Purple Loosestrife , Purple Toadflax , Pyramidal Bugle , Pyrenean Eryngo , Pyrenean Germander , Pyrenean Hyacinth , Pyrenean Saxifrage , Pyrenean Squill , Pyrenean Whitlow-grass , Red Alpine Primrose , Red Clover , Red Valerian , Rock Samphire , Rock Snapdragon , Roseroot , Saint Bernards Lily , Saint Johns Wort , Scarlet Oak , Sea Aster , Sea Campion , Sea Sandwort , Sheeps-bit , Silver Fir , Slender Saint Johns Wort , Southern Gentian , Southern Marsh Orchid , Spear Thistle , Spoon-leaved Candytuft , Spring Gentian , Spring Squill , Starry Saxifrage , St Bernards Lily , St Johns Wort , Sweet Violet , Tongue Orchid , Tormentil , Trailing Azalea , Trailing Saint Johns Wort , Trautvetters Maple , Twayblade , Violet Helleborine , Water Avens , Water Forget-me-not , Water-crowfoot , Water-starwort , Wayfaring-tree , Wayfaring Tree , Welsh Poppy , White Asphodel , White Campion , White Clover , White Deadnettle , White Rock-rose , White Stonecrop , Wild Cabbage , Wild Pansy , Wild Thyme , Woody Nightshade , Wood Sage , Wych Elm , Yarrow , Yellow Water-lily , Yellow Whitlow-grass ,